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Artwork Specs

Do you want to provide your own artwork? Let us help you get there!

Artwork Specs

Do you want to provide your own artwork? Let us help you get there!

First things first...

Make sure your artwork is in PNG, SVG, TIFF, or PDF. We prefer PNG and SVG the most, but feel free to take the one that works best for you and apply it. Designing in AIllustrator or Corel Draw? You can also send us .AI or .CDR files! 

Just ensure that you convert all your text to outlines/curves and include the name of any fonts that you may have used. If it's not, your font selection and other elements may not come through properly, and we may refuse your artwork.

PNG files must be in HIGH resolution 300 DPI or they will be pixelated and blurry when printed. PNG's that are imported into PDFs and other accepted file types will need this same resolution.

Export as PNG (Adobe Illustrator)

Export with Transparency (Canva)

Export as PNG (Corel Draw)

It is very important that your artwork is high-quality. If your artwork appears low quality when we review it, we may ask you to send us a higher-quality iteration or another format, or we may suggest that you use our graphic design services (add'l charge) to correct any issues or roadblocks in the process.

​​Artwor​​k P​​​​o​​​​​​​​lic​​y

a multicolored background with lines of different colors

Second, make sure its CMYK.

You may be asking, what is CMYK? It's a color profile that is used by printers to ensure accurate color printing. All ink is printed with the four CMYK colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (the K in CMYK). Learn how to go CMYK.

Format Your Art in CMYK

RGB color space is OK too, but the final colors of your image or artwork, when printed, may not appear the same as they would on your screen or paper. RGB involves the mixing of visible light, whereas ink is the mixing of pigment.

Third, send us your art!

We will review your artwork, and ensure it will print with quality and clarity. Use the links below to send it to us via dropbox, or email it directly to us,

Email Us

Art Drop (Dropbox)

You can also upload a ZIP file if you have a lot to share! It makes it easier for our team to sort your files out and reduce wasted time.

blue and white logo guessing game
man wearing white top using MacBook

And finally, if you are struggling...

We're here to help! Contact us, and we can help you, or get one of our designers on the task! You're final product is our priority!

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